Statistics for Basic Physician Training (FRACP)

Enrol now! Access to recordings and materials until 28 February 2025.


The 2024 Statistics for Basic Physician Training workshop is now flexible online statistical training. After enrolment, all the materials provided, including recordings of the lectures, notes, summary notes, practice multiple choice test with worked solutions will be available and you will have access to the materials until 28 February 2025.

The focus is on the statistical needs of physician trainees, and the topics covered in the FRACP examination.


Ian Gordon

Professor Ian Gordon

Ian is Professor of Statistics and Director of the Statistical Consulting Centre at The University of Melbourne. He has delivered training in statistics to doctors for over 30 years, and has extensive experience in medical and epidemiological research.

He has been a Chief Investigator on NHRMC-funded research projects and has been involved in the design and analysis of many randomised controlled trials, case-control and cohort studies. He is currently the President of the Statistical Society of Australia.

lecturer Ian Gordon

Feedback from previous participants:

86% of workshop attendees agreed or strongly agreed that the workshop was well taught.

"Great workshop, very relevant and informative."

"Incredible teaching, was a privilege to attend."

"Very good explanations, good pace of presentation."

Frequently asked questions

  • What topics are in the workshop?
    • measures used for comparison of groups (absolute risk difference, relative risk, odds ratio, attributable risk, number needed to treat)
    • statistical inference using  confidence intervals
    • statistical inference using hypothesis tests, giving rise to P-values
    • statistical methods
    • design and interpretation of randomized controlled trials, other study designs (case-control studies, cohort studies) and their potential biases
    • diagnostic tests (sensitivity and specificity, positive predictive value, area under the curve)
    • survival analysis
    • meta-analysis
  • How are notes and materials provided, and for how long?

    You will be given access to a portal on the Learning Management System of the University of Melbourne, where you will find the documents, materials and recordings.

    Access to the materials will be on the portal until 28 February 2025.

  • When are the Q & A sessions?

    There will be live Q & A sessions with Professor Ian Gordon in September 2024 and February 2025. Exact times and dates will be announced close to the time.

  • When does registration close?

    Registration will be open until 10 February 2025.

  • Can I ask questions about the content?

    Yes. We encourage you to email your questions anytime or use the discussion board on CANVAS.

    Email your questions