
  • Cameron Patrick portrait
    Cameron Patrick
    (03) 8344 5295


My main role is as a statistical consultant in the Statistical Consulting Centre and The Melbourne Statistical Consulting Platform.

About me

I joined the Statistical Consulting Centre in 2017 after completing a Master of Science in probability and statistics. My Masters thesis was on capture-recapture analysis of platypus populations in the great Melbourne area, using spatial information to estimate population density and habitat size in different parts of the Yarra river network. My main interest is applied statistics, particularly ecological modelling, spatial data and data visualisation.

Prior to my Masters degree, I worked as a software developer, working on tools for analysis and visualisation of seismic and geophysical data. This experience has informed my statistical interests as well as giving me a background in computational methods which are becoming increasingly prevalent in statistics. I also have a Bachelor of Science in Pure Mathematics.