Graham Hepworth


I have more than 30 years experience as a consulting statistician. I joined the Statistical Consulting Centre in 2000, having previously worked in the Victorian Department of Primary Industries.  I  have particular expertise and experience in the design and analysis of experiments, as well as in surveys and sampling.

I have undertaken projects across a wide range of fields, including medicine, dentistry, food science, education, law, ecology, languages, psychology, and especially plant and animal sciences.   I have performed work for a wide range of state and federal government agencies, small and large businesses, and individual researchers.

I have a Bachelor of Science (Honours), Master of Science, and a PhD, all in mathematical statistics from the University of Melbourne.  I am an active member and a past president of the Australasian Region of the International Biometric Society. I am an Accredited Statistician (AStat) of the Statistical Society of Australia



I am an Associate Professor of Statistics in the School of Mathematics and Statistics.  I have 120 refereed publications, in a wide range of subject areas.  My methodological research has been in estimating proportions by group testing (pooled testing), in both point and interval estimation.  This work has been used by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and is incorporated in their software.

My collaborative research, much of which has arisen from consulting, has been in many fields, including animal reproduction, lung diseases, plant pathology, cardiac electrophysiology, dentistry, nursing, water use, compost science, ecology, entomology, veterinary science, and neurology.

I am a chief investigator on two NHMRC-funded projects: “Ambulatory oxygen for interstitial lung disease”; and “Transforming pulmonary rehabilitation to reduce hospital admissions in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


I regularly teach the intensive short course and "Design and Analysis of Experiments" to participants from a wide range of fields. I developed this course using my extensive experience in experiments, which helps researchers apply sound statistical methods to their research in practical ways.  I also developed, and taught for many years, a course on “Design and Analysis of Surveys”.

I have previously taught both undergraduate and Masters level courses.  For a couple of years I taught the subject “Thinking and Reasoning with Data” to Master of Science students. Prior to that I developed and taught the subject “Experimental Design / Statistical Methods” to students studying agriculture, forestry, and related disciplines.

Graham's publications